
silhouetted woman traveler waiting for airplane to land

Whether you’re traveling on vacation or for work, it’s important to stay healthy and active. When you’re away from home and your regular routine, it takes a bit of planning. 旅行可能会影响健康的习惯.

Unfortunately, there’s no quick recovery from a week of lounging by the pool or having drinks out with clients. (Research proves that weight gained on vacation hangs around for weeks after the party’s over.) So, why not maintain your healthy mindset while you’re away instead of undoing the hard work you put in the rest of the year?

Here are some ways to take care of your body (and mind) when you’re out of town:

Move More


  • 以正确的方式开始旅程. If you’re flying, get in extra steps by avoiding the conveyor belt people-movers in the airport. Instead of sitting around waiting to board, how about walking around to get in some extra steps. 如果你在开车, be sure to stop frequently for stretch breaks and even short walks around rest areas.
  • 选择住在提供锻炼选择的酒店. Many hotels have a gym or a pool on premises or nearby that their customers can use. Getting in a workout might mean waking up early to slip away before family activities and business seminars, but it will get the blood flowing (and reduce stress) for the rest of the day, too.
  • 徒步探索周围的环境. 进行一次长距离散步或晨跑. You’ll get to soak in the sights while burning the calories. 它也可以帮助你克服时差.
  • 参加当地的文化活动. Attend a dance class and learn salsa or give surfing a try if the ocean is nearby. 在享受美好时光的同时进行锻炼.

Eat Smart


  • 注意你吃的东西. 很容易做过头, especially when grabbing fast food on the road or at the airport, where we tend to underestimate just how much we consume. Unfamiliar foods can be tricky to gauge, too, so be mindful of what you’re putting into your body.
  • 携带健康零食. It’s easier to skip the fast food on a road trip when you’ve got nuts, 带着苹果片和芹菜条. 一旦你到达目的地, if possible, pop by a local supermarket and load up on your favorite healthy nibbles.
  • 外出就餐时要做出明智的选择. Whether it’s a family event or a dinner meeting with an important client, you’re probably going to find yourself at restaurants during your trip. That’s fine. Just make smart choices like grilled chicken or fish with a side salad and a steamed vegetable.
  • 为挥霍做好计划. 你不在的时候想尝尝当地的美食吗? What’s a trip to Chicago without sampling a deep-dish pizza, or visiting France without trying all those fancy cheeses, right? Studies show that cheat meals are fine, just plan for it so it’s a cheat meal, not a cheat week.

Be Well

Here are some tips on how to do right for your mind while you’re away from home:

  • 机场是压力很大的地方. Security lines and canceled flights can raise the blood pressure in a hurry. 利用机场的瑜伽室, 当可用的, or find a quiet space where you can stretch for five minutes to relax before your flight.
  • 在酒店的水疗中心尽情享受吧. Whether it’s a keynote speech that’s stressing you out, or the amusement park full of overexcited kids (including your own), a massage is a great way to calm down and pamper yourself. Some hotels will let customers use the spa’s facilities for a fee where you can simply enjoy the steam room, sauna, 惠而浦和其他设施,帮助您放松.
  • Try meditation. 你有沙巴足球体育平台,有一个安静的酒店房间. 冥想的好处是有据可查的, so practice mindfulness while free from the distractions of everyday life.
  • Stay grateful. Watch the sunset over the ocean or listen to the wind whistle through the trees in the mountain valley outside. 或者享受在一个新地方的快乐. Live in the moment — you might be somewhere that you’ll never visit again. Appreciate the opportunity to experience life away from home. 它会带来更快乐的生活方式.


  • 提前做一些调查. Call ahead to see if the hotel has a gym or a pool and what nearby restaurants offer healthy options.
  • 带着目的打包. Add workout clothes and sneakers and/or a swimsuit to your suitcase.
  • 为自己腾出沙巴足球体育平台. 根据你每天的行程安排, think about what times you have available to use the hotel’s gym or pool, 在房间里冥想, 或者休息一下. 在你的日历上标出这些沙巴足球体育平台. The more you plan, the easier it will be to stay on track.

Don’t let your departure from home be a departure from good habits. That way, you can be healthy for good wherever you are!